Comment 15 for bug 1318834

Revision history for this message
Kenneth Stafford (slim.gullian) wrote :

After my most recent Ubuntu 16.04 LTS update (that required both an authorization password request and a post-installation reboot) the following message appears briefly in a small window in the top right corner of the screen after I sign into Ubuntu:

"Applications can no longer access your [ email address] online account. Choose Online Accounts from the user menu to reinstate access to this account."

I looked at Online Accounts. All that currently appears there is my identification as administrator, my Ubuntu sign-on name (not an email address) and my password with a clickable button for viewing my sign on history.

Since the only thing unique about the referenced email address is that it's the only email address issued to me by AT&T, my Internet provider that I only use for paying my monthly AT&T bill. I doubt that it has ever been listed with my Ubuntu sign-on name. So I have no idea if "Applications can no longer access your [ email address] online account." should mean something to me. I'm not entering the AT&T address and password, and not identifying whether or not the account is Administration. I suppose I'll find out soon enough that's a problem. While I'm still a new user of Ubuntu, I'm not a neophyte computer user. It is vexing to encounter these situations. I'd welcome any explanations that clarify what I'm being instructed to do, if anything.