I think this may be related to the use of the ReauthenticateAccount D-Bus API provided by signon-ui:
I'm also guessing that the reauthenticate method could be implemented because of this:
The short time window probably was introduced on this change, which make it exit after 30 (seconds?)
Because it was taking too much memomy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/signon-ui/+bug/1112680
--- Ubuntu Bug Squad volunteer triager http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad
I think this may be related to the use of the ReauthenticateA ccount D-Bus API provided by signon-ui:
https:/ /launchpad. net/signon- ui/13.04/ 0.12
I'm also guessing that the reauthenticate method could be implemented because of this:
https:/ /projects. developer. nokia.com/ Testabilitydriv er/ticket/ 36
The short time window probably was introduced on this change, which make it exit after 30 (seconds?)
http:// bazaar. launchpad. net/~online- accounts/ signon- ui/trunk/ revision/ 77
Because it was taking too much memomy: https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ signon- ui/+bug/ 1112680
--- wiki.ubuntu. com/BugSquad
Ubuntu Bug Squad volunteer triager