Comment 3 for bug 18719

Revision history for this message
Josué Alcalde González (josuealcalde) wrote :

Well, I have try to backported the package, but it didn't work, so I have
donwloaded the breezy package and installed it in hoary.
The problem is the same:

Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias... Hecho
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/gnome-app-install/", line 125, in idle
  File "/usr/lib/gnome-app-install/", line 144, in updateCache
  File "/usr/lib/gnome-app-install/", line 242, in populate_menu
    import locale ; menu.setLocale(locale.getlocale(locale.LC_MESSAGES)[0])
AttributeError: Menu instance has no attribute 'setLocale'

Could be it a locale problem.

I have reinstall my hoary a week ago.
Before reinstalling the problem was there.
I reinstall and it worked in a clean install.
When I installed some applications (including backported repository packages)
the gnome-app-install stoped working again.

I will ask in ubuntu-es list to try to find more people with the same
problem.(In reply to comment #0)