Comment 1 for bug 1776061

Revision history for this message
Yoo KyoungDuk (ttog) wrote :

I think U need more information in gnocchi.conf.
I got a same error when deploying openstack(queens) by kolla-ansible and i solved this problem adding sacks_number to gnocchi.conf.

Here is my default contents of gnocchi.conf file.
# cat gnocchi.conf
debug = True
log_dir = /var/log/kolla/gnocchi
log_file = /var/log/kolla/gnocchi/gnocchi-api.log
sacks_number = 10

When i deployed first time by kolla-ansible, there was no sacks_number variable in gnocchi.conf. If you add it and restart gnocchi, you'll may not find more error message.

PS. Actually i'm not sure '10' is proper number.
If you want right sacks_number on your environment, please check this out.
sacks value = number of **active** metrics / 300