I've done further testing.
With smaller images, thus lower radius and iterations/samples, the problem still arises.
I've done some tests with the "gegl" command line command, and it works just fine. I can definitely apply the operator with something like:
gegl -p -o /home/esteve/1.png -x "<gegl><node operation='gegl:c2g'><params><param name='radius'>1800</param><param name='samples'>16</param><param name='iterations'>16</param></params></node><node operation='gegl:load'><params><param name='path'>/home/esteve/2.png</param></params></node></gegl>"
It applies the operation and saves the result, so I'd say the problem resides in the GIMP, not in GEGL, or at least in the link between the two.
I've done further testing.
With smaller images, thus lower radius and iterations/samples, the problem still arises.
I've done some tests with the "gegl" command line command, and it works just fine. I can definitely apply the operator with something like:
gegl -p -o /home/esteve/1.png -x "<gegl><node operation= 'gegl:c2g' ><params> <param name='radius' >1800</ param>< param name='samples' >16</param> <param name='iteration s'>16</ param>< /params> </node> <node operation= 'gegl:load' ><params> <param name='path' >/home/ esteve/ 2.png</ param>< /params> </node> </gegl> "
It applies the operation and saves the result, so I'd say the problem resides in the GIMP, not in GEGL, or at least in the link between the two.