This is a fairly big problem for me, as I've two accounts setup with the same full name, but different user names -- one for personal stuff, one for work. Upgrading to maverick made it impossible to tell which was which.
Also, I think it's potentially a big problem in organisations that have two people with a common name, say John Smith.
It's a sane default to only show the full name, but there should be an option to display the username in parenthesis like Lucid did. Or ideally in a prettier way, underneath the full name, say.
This is a fairly big problem for me, as I've two accounts setup with the same full name, but different user names -- one for personal stuff, one for work. Upgrading to maverick made it impossible to tell which was which.
Also, I think it's potentially a big problem in organisations that have two people with a common name, say John Smith.
It's a sane default to only show the full name, but there should be an option to display the username in parenthesis like Lucid did. Or ideally in a prettier way, underneath the full name, say.