The version of gdb in focal-proposed built fine with the tests enabled and the timeouts in the buildlog were not an issue.
[ 3:25PM 11723 ] [ bdmurray@impulse:/tmp ] $ cat buildlog_ubuntu-focal-armhf.gdb_9.2-0ubuntu1\~20.04.1_BUILDING.txt | fgrep '(timeout)'|wc -l 9
I don't know what doko's plans are for the upload in the focal-proposed so won't comment on the block-proposed question.
The version of gdb in focal-proposed built fine with the tests enabled and the timeouts in the buildlog were not an issue.
[ 3:25PM 11723 ] [ bdmurray@ impulse: /tmp ] ubuntu- focal-armhf. gdb_9.2- 0ubuntu1\ ~20.04. 1_BUILDING. txt | fgrep '(timeout)'|wc -l 9
$ cat buildlog_
I don't know what doko's plans are for the upload in the focal-proposed so won't comment on the block-proposed question.