My original case was in Impish and later.
I see the patch you applied and I see that it changes based on the presence of -m16
Due to linking with 16 bit being rather, ... special :-)
I can't use my trivial test that I found back then to be sure.
I thought of re-building qemu against gcc-10 in Focal (but that might hit all kind of other things we do not want to look for).
Gladly all we care is if fcf-protection is effectively set or not - and that we can do without the weird 16 bit linking.
root@f:~# gcc-10 -Q -v -march=i486 -m16 -Wall -Werror test.c -o test.o |& grep -e fcf -e "GNU C17"
GNU C17 (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) version 10.5.0 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
GNU C17 (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) version 10.5.0 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
So you see that with the fix in the -m16 case "-fcf-protection" is gone.
BTW as I found above in theory we'd also want to disable that for march=i486 in general?
But if that is a bug worth addressing (split it to a new one then) is up to you.
My original case was in Impish and later.
I see the patch you applied and I see that it changes based on the presence of -m16
Due to linking with 16 bit being rather, ... special :-)
I can't use my trivial test that I found back then to be sure.
I thought of re-building qemu against gcc-10 in Focal (but that might hit all kind of other things we do not want to look for).
Gladly all we care is if fcf-protection is effectively set or not - and that we can do without the weird 16 bit linking.
Pre-fix: gcc/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/10/ cc1 -v -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu test.c -dumpbase test.c -march=i486 -m16 -auxbase test -Wall -Werror -version -fasynchronous- unwind- tables -fstack- protector- strong -Wformat-security -fstack- clash-protectio n -fcf-protection -o /tmp/cc6LBUMj.s 1ubuntu1~ 20.04) version 10.3.0 (x86_64-linux-gnu) 1ubuntu1~ 20.04) version 10.3.0 (x86_64-linux-gnu) clash-protectio n -fcf-protection
root@f2:~# gcc-10 -Q -v -march=i486 -m16 -Wall -Werror test.c -o test.o |& grep -e fcf -e "GNU C17"
GNU C17 (Ubuntu 10.3.0-
GNU C17 (Ubuntu 10.3.0-
-Wformat-security -fstack-
Post-fix: 1ubuntu1~ 20.04) version 10.5.0 (x86_64-linux-gnu) 1ubuntu1~ 20.04) version 10.5.0 (x86_64-linux-gnu)
root@f:~# gcc-10 -Q -v -march=i486 -m16 -Wall -Werror test.c -o test.o |& grep -e fcf -e "GNU C17"
GNU C17 (Ubuntu 10.5.0-
GNU C17 (Ubuntu 10.5.0-
So you see that with the fix in the -m16 case "-fcf-protection" is gone.
BTW as I found above in theory we'd also want to disable that for march=i486 in general?
But if that is a bug worth addressing (split it to a new one then) is up to you.