I reduced the CPU/Mem of my canonistack system that I try to recreate on (to be more similar).
Also I now do run with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=4 as the real build.
/me hopes this might help to finally trigger it in a debuggable environment.
P.S: I'm now at 4/4 retries that failed for the real build ... :-/ It gladly worked on the fifth retry
P.P.S: Note to myself 4cpu/8G Memory is the real size used (I have 4/4 atm since I set it up before I could reach anyone)
I reduced the CPU/Mem of my canonistack system that I try to recreate on (to be more similar). OPTIONS= parallel= 4 as the real build.
Also I now do run with DEB_BUILD_
/me hopes this might help to finally trigger it in a debuggable environment.
P.S: I'm now at 4/4 retries that failed for the real build ... :-/ It gladly worked on the fifth retry
P.P.S: Note to myself 4cpu/8G Memory is the real size used (I have 4/4 atm since I set it up before I could reach anyone)