While going through this issue. I found though Liberation Mono does not have U+301 character in font. But it still has combined character i.e. aacute U+00E1
harfbuzz-ng and pango-view renders it perfectly. So this should be fixed in gnome-terminal.
$./hb-view /usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf "áe"
$printf ""áe"\n" > out $ pango-view --font=/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf out
both this gives me perfect rendering.
While going through this issue. I found though Liberation Mono does not have U+301 character in font. But it still has combined character i.e. aacute U+00E1
harfbuzz-ng and pango-view renders it perfectly. So this should be fixed in gnome-terminal.
$./hb-view /usr/share/ fonts/liberatio n/LiberationMon o-Regular. ttf "áe"
$printf ""áe"\n" > out /usr/share/ fonts/liberatio n/LiberationMon o-Regular. ttf out
$ pango-view --font=
both this gives me perfect rendering.