I've a Laptop with 137 dpi resolution. The way to small fonts
have bothered me a long time. Usually I used a minimum font size of 22
to work around this without understanding the details.
Today I installed the following Addon as a workaround: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2592/
which works much better.
The six screenshots in the screenshots.tar attached to the https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=478312
illustrate the buggy discrete jumping scaling behaviour quite good.
The buggy behaviour can also be observed on Windows (tested this today
with a fresh download on Windows XP running in a virtual box).
This should really be fixed in future releases of Firefox.
I've a Laptop with 137 dpi resolution. The way to small fonts /addons. mozilla. org/en- US/firefox/ addon/2592/ /bugzilla. redhat. com/show_ bug.cgi? id=478312
have bothered me a long time. Usually I used a minimum font size of 22
to work around this without understanding the details.
Today I installed the following Addon as a workaround:
which works much better.
The six screenshots in the screenshots.tar attached to the https:/
illustrate the buggy discrete jumping scaling behaviour quite good.
The buggy behaviour can also be observed on Windows (tested this today
with a fresh download on Windows XP running in a virtual box).
This should really be fixed in future releases of Firefox.