(In reply to Alexandre LISSY :gerard-majax from comment #2) > `Failed to open` comes from https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/blob/e3ca5567a2dbb5b763a383bba5ff1c0437a7e851/src/documents.c#L91-L92 called from https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/blob/e3ca5567a2dbb5b763a383bba5ff1c0437a7e851/src/file-chooser.c#L121 > > From the asserts, it means that somehow `path` ends up `nullptr`: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/blob/e3ca5567a2dbb5b763a383bba5ff1c0437a7e851/src/documents.c#L79-L82 > > ``` > (gdb) call g_file_get_uri (file) > XDP: No background permissions found: Le d\u00e9lai d\u2019attente est d\u00e9pass\u00e9 > $3 = 0x7fffe8008110 "smb://" > (gdb) call g_file_get_uri_scheme (file) > $4 = 0x7fffec00d140 "smb" > (gdb) call g_file_get_path (file) > XDP: Checking background permissions > $5 = 0x0 > (gdb) > ```
It looks like it is done on purpose: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/blob/fe9c5a11a199c966b32f6b7327136782544b845e/src/xdg-desktop-portal.c#L380-L381
(In reply to Alexandre LISSY :gerard-majax from comment #2) /github. com/flatpak/ xdg-desktop- portal/ blob/e3ca5567a2 dbb5b763a383bba 5ff1c0437a7e851 /src/documents. c#L91-L92 called from https:/ /github. com/flatpak/ xdg-desktop- portal/ blob/e3ca5567a2 dbb5b763a383bba 5ff1c0437a7e851 /src/file- chooser. c#L121 /github. com/flatpak/ xdg-desktop- portal/ blob/e3ca5567a2 dbb5b763a383bba 5ff1c0437a7e851 /src/documents. c#L79-L82 192.168. 1.36/documents/ Patches/ QPdfPresenterCo nsole-2. 7.0-Darwin- x86_64. zip" get_uri_ scheme (file)
> `Failed to open` comes from https:/
> From the asserts, it means that somehow `path` ends up `nullptr`: https:/
> ```
> (gdb) call g_file_get_uri (file)
> XDP: No background permissions found: Le d\u00e9lai d\u2019attente est d\u00e9pass\u00e9
> $3 = 0x7fffe8008110 "smb://
> (gdb) call g_file_
> $4 = 0x7fffec00d140 "smb"
> (gdb) call g_file_get_path (file)
> XDP: Checking background permissions
> $5 = 0x0
> (gdb)
> ```
It looks like it is done on purpose: https:/ /github. com/flatpak/ xdg-desktop- portal/ blob/fe9c5a11a1 99c966b32f6b732 7136782544b845e /src/xdg- desktop- portal. c#L380- L381