There's a try with vsync logging:
Once it's build please run as:
MOZ_LOG="WidgetVsync:5" MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 mozregression --repo try --launch 177d76ba59e45537b8e3e16193bf1390feae17a6 -a
and attach the logs here. Please open only one window to get logs for first 60fps run and then for 120fps run. Thanks.
There's a try with vsync logging: /treeherder. mozilla. org/jobs? repo=try& revision= 177d76ba59e4553 7b8e3e16193bf13 90feae17a6
Once it's build please run as:
MOZ_LOG= "WidgetVsync: 5" MOZ_ENABLE_ WAYLAND= 1 mozregression --repo try --launch 177d76ba59e4553 7b8e3e16193bf13 90feae17a6 -a https:/ /testufo. com
and attach the logs here. Please open only one window to get logs for first 60fps run and then for 120fps run.