Actually, I believe all issues related to not having an ability to locate a bookmark's parent folder are reiterations of Firefox Bug 196509 which is now 15 years old. And if we include SeaMonkey, it's Bug 56418 is 17 years old. That said, Drew Willcoxon's Comment 86 on Bug 196509 does bring up a point about nuance differences and the request to argue them separately.
While I recognize the issue mentioned by Marco Bonardo in Comment 53 on Bug 449421 about having multiple folders with the same name, I agree that the simple functionality provided by White Alice0775's addons, "Show Parent Folder" and "Go Parent Folder", will be missed in Firefox 57+. (FYI: Here on Bugzilla White Alice0775's persona is Alice0775 White.)
For those of us who want to continue using Firefox (for me the Developer Edition) as the primary browser, please provide a some means to locate a bookmark's parent from the search results. I'd prefer two solutions. One for search results in the Bookmarks sidebar and one for search results in the Library. Ideally, for the sidebar this could be accomplished via adding a Context Menu item, "Show Parent". In the Library via a sortable column. While it would be nice if the Parent column could provide some means to toggle between column and list view (similar to MacOS's Finder dialogue window), just having the immediate parent folder would be sufficient.
A work around for the near-term -- There are a few steps. 1) Open the Bookmarks sidebar. 2) Open a tab and enter chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksPanel.xul into the address bar & hit enter. A tree-view of your Bookmarks will appear with a search field. 3) Conduct a search query. 4) Highlight & drag all search results to a folder in the Bookmarks sidebar. 5) With that folder closed, right-click on the folder and from the Context Menu select "Sort By Name". 6) Open the folder. 7) Delete any duplicate.
The delete function can also be accomplished with any of the Bookmark management addons which have a delete / remove duplicates feature.
The 2nd step can be further simplified by using chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksPanel.xul as your homepage.
The obvious issue with this workaround which would not be present if a Parent Column was available in the Library is when you want to keep the same bookmark in multiple places. For example, once in the Bookmark Toolbar and once in a folder in the Bookmarks Menu. A workaround for this is, of course, to use the Properties dialogue window and change the Name of one of the duplicates and then drag it back to the Bookmarks Toolbar.
While all of these steps are doable, it is substantially more work than if a means to identify a Parent Folder was available in the browser itself. Perhaps all of this isn't a Bug, but rather a FEATURE REQUEST.
Actually, I believe all issues related to not having an ability to locate a bookmark's parent folder are reiterations of Firefox Bug 196509 which is now 15 years old. And if we include SeaMonkey, it's Bug 56418 is 17 years old. That said, Drew Willcoxon's Comment 86 on Bug 196509 does bring up a point about nuance differences and the request to argue them separately.
While I recognize the issue mentioned by Marco Bonardo in Comment 53 on Bug 449421 about having multiple folders with the same name, I agree that the simple functionality provided by White Alice0775's addons, "Show Parent Folder" and "Go Parent Folder", will be missed in Firefox 57+. (FYI: Here on Bugzilla White Alice0775's persona is Alice0775 White.)
For those of us who want to continue using Firefox (for me the Developer Edition) as the primary browser, please provide a some means to locate a bookmark's parent from the search results. I'd prefer two solutions. One for search results in the Bookmarks sidebar and one for search results in the Library. Ideally, for the sidebar this could be accomplished via adding a Context Menu item, "Show Parent". In the Library via a sortable column. While it would be nice if the Parent column could provide some means to toggle between column and list view (similar to MacOS's Finder dialogue window), just having the immediate parent folder would be sufficient.
A work around for the near-term -- There are a few steps. 1) Open the Bookmarks sidebar. 2) Open a tab and enter chrome: //browser/ content/ bookmarks/ bookmarksPanel. xul into the address bar & hit enter. A tree-view of your Bookmarks will appear with a search field. 3) Conduct a search query. 4) Highlight & drag all search results to a folder in the Bookmarks sidebar. 5) With that folder closed, right-click on the folder and from the Context Menu select "Sort By Name". 6) Open the folder. 7) Delete any duplicate.
The delete function can also be accomplished with any of the Bookmark management addons which have a delete / remove duplicates feature.
The 2nd step can be further simplified by using chrome: //browser/ content/ bookmarks/ bookmarksPanel. xul as your homepage.
The obvious issue with this workaround which would not be present if a Parent Column was available in the Library is when you want to keep the same bookmark in multiple places. For example, once in the Bookmark Toolbar and once in a folder in the Bookmarks Menu. A workaround for this is, of course, to use the Properties dialogue window and change the Name of one of the duplicates and then drag it back to the Bookmarks Toolbar.
While all of these steps are doable, it is substantially more work than if a means to identify a Parent Folder was available in the browser itself. Perhaps all of this isn't a Bug, but rather a FEATURE REQUEST.