Comment 10 for bug 1533232

Revision history for this message
daniel CURTIS (anoda) wrote :


It seems, that 'member=' needs some new values. Today, I noticed a few new entries in a log files, such as '/var/log/syslog'. Each entry had icluded "/org/gtk/Private/RemoteVolumeMonitor" with a dbus "receive" etc. Now, I'm using such a rule in a Firefox profile:

dbus (send)

But according to a new log entries, above rule should be updated, at least in my case, with a new values in 'member=' and there should be added 'receive' to 'dbus (send)'. Mr. Simon Déziel rule (see post #2) already contains two options: I saw both in log files. However, there were also:

✗ VolumeChanged,
✗ DriveConnected,
✗ DriveDisconnected,
✗ MountChanged,
✗ MountAdded,
✗ MountRemoved,
✗ MountPreUnmount

I hope, that I didn't miss any option. So, what do You think Mr. Déziel? Should these new options be added to the Firefox profile? If yes, what do You think about something like this:

- dbus (send)
+ dbus (send, receive)

- member={VolumeAdded,VolumeRemoved},
+ member={VolumeAdded,VolumeRemoved,VolumeChanged,DriveConnected,DriveDisconnected,MountChanged,MountAdded,MountRemoved,MountPreUnmount},

I don't know if there should be 'dbus (send, receive)', but I already have a rule with 'send' in Firefox profile (unfortunately, I do not remember and I do not have any log entries. Sorry.) So, what to do? Here are some technical informations:

● Firefox: v59.0.2 (i386)
● Release: 16.04.4 LTS

Thanks, best regards.