Doesn't this mean that you'll get a warning even if == 3? And in order to get rid of that warning, you'll have to uncheck "Warn me when I attempt to close multiple tabs", which means that I won't be warned when closing a window that's not the last one?
(From update of attachment 311955) getIntPref( "browser. startup. page") == 3 || getBoolPref( "browser. sessionstore. resume_ session_ once")) && getBoolPref( "browser. tabs.warnOnClos e") == false)
>+ else if ((prefBranch.
>+ prefBranch.
>+ prefBranch.
> showPrompt = false;
Doesn't this mean that you'll get a warning even if browser. startup. page == 3? And in order to get rid of that warning, you'll have to uncheck "Warn me when I attempt to close multiple tabs", which means that I won't be warned when closing a window that's not the last one?