Comment 1 for bug 237543

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Yves Debongnie (yves-debongnie) wrote : Re: compressor program delete file in certain circumstances

I have been able to reproduce the bug. Similarly to Miguel, I did the following :

1) I created a folder, in which I created a few text files. I named one of them
2) I then selectionned the files I created, right-clicked on them
  and chosed "Créer une archive" ("Create an archive") in the drop-down menu
3) In the dialog popping up, I selected the .zip extension and filled in "example" as name
4) I then clicked on "Créer" ("Create").
5) A dialog popped up : "L'archive existe déjà. Voulez-vous l'écraser ?"
  ("The archive exists already. Do you want to overwrite it ?). I clicked on "Overwrite".
6) After the first dialog disappeared, another appeared :
    "Une erreur s'est produite durant l'ajout de fichiers à l'archive."
    "Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter une archive dans elle-même."
  Meaning :
    "An error occured during the addition of files to the archive"
    "You can not add an archive to itself"
  I then clicked on "Valider" ("Ok"), which was the only button available.
After this, the file that was previously in the folder had disappeared.

I added in French the messages I got when reproducing the bug in case my translation into
English is wrong.

Also, my version of Ubuntu is 8.04, and the zip package installed on my computer is 2.32-1.

I confirmed the bug.

Output of "uname -a" :
Linux Belzebuth 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

Output of "apt-cache show zip" attached as "zip-version" file.