Example file with length of about 8.4 with me speaking numbers 1..10 in Finnish with some background noise. This has been recorded by Apple Safari on iOS 15.0.1 using the MediaRecorder API in HTML5 document.
It should result in file called out.mp3 with a length of about 8.4 seconds. With the ffmpeg version in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS the output length is only 1 second.
The ffmpeg version distributed with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and the snap version distributed with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS do work correctly so this bug is strictly about the version distributed via apt on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Example file with length of about 8.4 with me speaking numbers 1..10 in Finnish with some background noise. This has been recorded by Apple Safari on iOS 15.0.1 using the MediaRecorder API in HTML5 document.
To reproduce the problem, try this:
$ time ffmpeg -i iPad-15. 0.1-MediaRecord er-audio. mp4 -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -qscale:a 9 -ar 48000 -joint_stereo 1 out.mp3
It should result in file called out.mp3 with a length of about 8.4 seconds. With the ffmpeg version in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS the output length is only 1 second.
The ffmpeg version distributed with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and the snap version distributed with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS do work correctly so this bug is strictly about the version distributed via apt on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.