General comment: why resetting fcitx-hangul, fcitx-m17n, fcitx-sunpinyin and fcitx-table-extra from incomplete to confirmed? Seems that no release to fix the blockers have been uploaded, so previous state remains the same. Please get an upstream release and an upload to ubuntu to fix the blockers before turning that state.
-> fcitx:
* NEEDS FIXING: transitional packages like fcitx-libs-gclient, fcitx-libs-qt and fcitx-libs:
- please remove the whole description stenza in debian/control and use a snippet like in (Method 2):
Description: transitional dummy package
This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed.
This will avoid puzzling the users between the 2 packages if they are equivalent (which seems to be the case, as they just depends on the other package).
- its section should be oldlibs
- also, please update the recommends/depends from other package (they still depend on the transitional package): fcitx-libs: Recommends: fcitx-libs-gclient (>= ${source:Version}). It should be on libfcitx-gclient0.
* NEEDS FIXING: I guess the autostart binary (in fcitx-bin) shouldn't be in usr/bin, but more in an exec path like libexec for instance. You told upstream liked the idea, any news since september for a release with this? I would prefer that we don't pulling the user PATH with autostart content.
* NEEDS INFO: IIRC, you told me that the .conf and .mk in fcitx-table-* packages are arch dependent (they are shipped in arch-dependent package anyway). If this is the case, they shouldn't be installed in usr/share as it's a policy violation and should rather be in libexec.
-> fcitx-anthy:
* MINOR: debian/copyright miss some more fixes:
src/preedit.cpp: Copyright: 2004-2005 Takuro Ashie / 2012 CSSlayer
src/action.*: miss Copyright: 2012 CSSlayer
-> fcitx-cloudpinyin
Ack, putting to Fix committed
-> fcitx-configtool
Ack, putting to Fix committed
-> fcitx-googlepinyin
Ack, putting to Fix committed
-> fcitx-qimpanel:
* NEEDS FIXING: I guess the autostart binary shouldn't be in usr/bin, but more in an exec path like libexec for instance. You told upstream liked the idea, any news since september for a release with this? I would prefer that we don't pulling the user PATH with autostart content.
-> fcitx-qt5:
* BLOCKER: Still no release with the COPYING for GPL2 nor LGPL2. Both are needed to be shipped upstream in a release that we package in ubuntu (
* NEEDS INFO: it seems that fcitx-libs-qt5 and fcitx-libs-qt5-dev are now just transitional packages, right (it's empty, have the dep/recommends similar to the replacing package)? If so, please remove the whole description stenza and use a snippet like in (Method 2):
Description: transitional dummy package
This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed.
and Section: oldlibs
Also, the Breaks/Replaces should be versioned.
This will avoid puzzling the users between the 2 packages if they are equivalent (which seems to be the case, as they just depends on the other package).
-> fcitx-sunpinyin:
* previous copyright BLOCKERS in debian git, but no upload since.
-> fcitx-table-extra:
* BLOCKER: tables/scj6.txt is GPL3, there is no COPYING file mentionning GPL3. You need upstream to ship it.
-> Still waiting for a release ( with the fixed version
* BLOCKER (was a NEEDS FIXING and turning as a BLOCKER now with gtk3 not doing the scaling anymore for you, like in unity dash):
W: fcitx-table-cantonese: icon-size-and-directory-name-mismatch usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/fcitx-cantonese.png 48x48
W: fcitx-table-stroke5: icon-size-and-directory-name-mismatch usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/fcitx-stroke5.png 48x48
W: fcitx-table-zhengma: icon-size-and-directory-name-mismatch usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/fcitx-zhengma.png 64x64
* NEEDS FIXING: debian/rules:
Mind adding a small comment in debian/rules as in -other explaining the reason of stripping the .mo file
-> fcitx-table-other:
comment added to git, LGTM.
-> libgooglepinyin:
* NEEDS FIXING: FTBFS on armhf, i386 and powerpc
-> presage:
* MINOR: any reason why presage priority is extra?
* NEEDS INFO: will python-presage be used? If so, it needs to be a python3 package in addition to the current python2 one as we now have main almost fully supporting python3. Also, please not that this binary package (if put in main) depends on python-wxgtk2.8, not in main.
-> tinyxml:
* NEEDS INFO: We already have multiple xml libraries in main. Any chance to switch the build-dep on that one to another one, like the boost lib?
(was already asked, but didn't get an answer if I'm right on that one)
Otherwise, the package itself is fine, status depending on the above answer.
On a final note, can you ensure that all those packages have the desktop bug team as a suscriber for tracking them?
General comment: why resetting fcitx-hangul, fcitx-m17n, fcitx-sunpinyin and fcitx-table-extra from incomplete to confirmed? Seems that no release to fix the blockers have been uploaded, so previous state remains the same. Please get an upstream release and an upload to ubuntu to fix the blockers before turning that state.
-> fcitx: /wiki.debian. org/Renaming_ a_Package (Method 2):
* NEEDS FIXING: transitional packages like fcitx-libs-gclient, fcitx-libs-qt and fcitx-libs:
- please remove the whole description stenza in debian/control and use a snippet like in https:/
Description: transitional dummy package
This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed.
This will avoid puzzling the users between the 2 packages if they are equivalent (which seems to be the case, as they just depends on the other package).
- its section should be oldlibs
- also, please update the recommends/depends from other package (they still depend on the transitional package): fcitx-libs: Recommends: fcitx-libs-gclient (>= ${source:Version}). It should be on libfcitx-gclient0.
* NEEDS FIXING: I guess the autostart binary (in fcitx-bin) shouldn't be in usr/bin, but more in an exec path like libexec for instance. You told upstream liked the idea, any news since september for a release with this? I would prefer that we don't pulling the user PATH with autostart content.
* NEEDS INFO: IIRC, you told me that the .conf and .mk in fcitx-table-* packages are arch dependent (they are shipped in arch-dependent package anyway). If this is the case, they shouldn't be installed in usr/share as it's a policy violation and should rather be in libexec.
-> fcitx-anthy:
* MINOR: debian/copyright miss some more fixes:
src/preedit.cpp: Copyright: 2004-2005 Takuro Ashie / 2012 CSSlayer
src/action.*: miss Copyright: 2012 CSSlayer
-> fcitx-cloudpinyin
Ack, putting to Fix committed
-> fcitx-configtool
Ack, putting to Fix committed
-> fcitx-googlepinyin
Ack, putting to Fix committed
-> fcitx-hangul anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ pkg-ime/ fcitx-hangul. git/commit/ ?id=0d4418f3a35 e1346f6c4461d3e b5d97016e4f002) anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ pkg-ime/ fcitx-hangul. git/commit/ ?id=648c746466c 92d6b9a86a5d4bc ade691e57b2f86)
2 issues fixed in debian git, but no upload for this yet since september. Needs an ubuntu upload for this:
* The package is multi-arch and should be marked as such in debian/control (http://
* missing Copyright: 2012 CSSlayer <email address hidden> -> should be 2010-2012 (http://
-> fcitx-m17n: anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ pkg-ime/ fcitx-m17n. git/commit/ ?id=15108dfe41f 329f4bb041ca96f 2dbebda117ec24) anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ pkg-ime/ fcitx- commit/ ?id=9d981e902b0 48bc3cdb74d94b1 5ab896ae8029da)
2 issues fixed in debian git, but no upload for this yet since september. Needs an ubuntu upload for this:
* The package is multi-arch and should be marked as such in debian/control (http://
* missing Copyright: 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald in im/keysymname.c (http://
>>> m17n.git/
-> fcitx-qimpanel:
* NEEDS FIXING: I guess the autostart binary shouldn't be in usr/bin, but more in an exec path like libexec for instance. You told upstream liked the idea, any news since september for a release with this? I would prefer that we don't pulling the user PATH with autostart content.
-> fcitx-qt5: /github. com/fcitx/ fcitx-qt5/ issues/ 4).
* BLOCKER: Still no release with the COPYING for GPL2 nor LGPL2. Both are needed to be shipped upstream in a release that we package in ubuntu (https:/
* NEEDS INFO: it seems that fcitx-libs-qt5 and fcitx-libs-qt5-dev are now just transitional packages, right (it's empty, have the dep/recommends similar to the replacing package)? If so, please remove the whole description stenza and use a snippet like in https:/ /wiki.debian. org/Renaming_ a_Package (Method 2):
Description: transitional dummy package
This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed.
and Section: oldlibs
Also, the Breaks/Replaces should be versioned.
This will avoid puzzling the users between the 2 packages if they are equivalent (which seems to be the case, as they just depends on the other package).
-> fcitx-sunpinyin:
* previous copyright BLOCKERS in debian git, but no upload since.
-> fcitx-table-extra: /github. com/fcitx/ fcitx/issues/ 170) with the fixed version
* BLOCKER: tables/scj6.txt is GPL3, there is no COPYING file mentionning GPL3. You need upstream to ship it.
-> Still waiting for a release (https:/
* BLOCKER (was a NEEDS FIXING and turning as a BLOCKER now with gtk3 not doing the scaling anymore for you, like in unity dash): cantonese: icon-size- and-directory- name-mismatch usr/share/ icons/hicolor/ 64x64/apps/ fcitx-cantonese .png 48x48 stroke5: icon-size- and-directory- name-mismatch usr/share/ icons/hicolor/ 64x64/apps/ fcitx-stroke5. png 48x48 zhengma: icon-size- and-directory- name-mismatch usr/share/ icons/hicolor/ 48x48/apps/ fcitx-zhengma. png 64x64
W: fcitx-table-
W: fcitx-table-
W: fcitx-table-
* NEEDS FIXING: debian/rules:
Mind adding a small comment in debian/rules as in -other explaining the reason of stripping the .mo file
-> fcitx-table-other:
comment added to git, LGTM.
-> libgooglepinyin:
* NEEDS FIXING: FTBFS on armhf, i386 and powerpc
-> presage:
* MINOR: any reason why presage priority is extra?
* NEEDS INFO: will python-presage be used? If so, it needs to be a python3 package in addition to the current python2 one as we now have main almost fully supporting python3. Also, please not that this binary package (if put in main) depends on python-wxgtk2.8, not in main.
-> tinyxml:
* NEEDS INFO: We already have multiple xml libraries in main. Any chance to switch the build-dep on that one to another one, like the boost lib?
(was already asked, but didn't get an answer if I'm right on that one)
Otherwise, the package itself is fine, status depending on the above answer.
On a final note, can you ensure that all those packages have the desktop bug team as a suscriber for tracking them?