Comment 11 for bug 1998678

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Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote (last edit ):

Another side question, but this kind of pertains to the problem at hand. Should Ubuntu even be providing this config snippet? If I understand correctly, we are disabling spf since the lib it requires is in universe, and evidently not really maintaining/testing the snippet ourselves; would it be better to leave this config work to users who want the feature, and not ship the snippet? Thomas, I'd be keen to hear your opinion on what we should do here.

I'm also not opposed to investigating if we should consider promoting the spf lib to main. I assume there were good reasons why we opted to disable the lib rather than do that, but those reasons seem lost to the mists of time. Also it sounds like it's a bit of an edge case in terms of actual usefulness, so maybe isn't that crucial to have, but if anyone can make a good case for favoring it, I can look into it.