* debian/patches/evolution-indicator-eds3.6_v2.patch: port to EDS 3.6 and port
to use libmessaging-menu. (LP: #1051882)
* debian/control:
- add libmessaging-menu-dev to Build-Depends.
- switch to debhelper 9.
- remove Build-Depends on cdbs.
* debian/compat: bump compat level to 9.
* debian/rules:
- migrate to dh sequencer.
* debian/source/format: switch to source format 3.0 (quilt)
* debian/patches/series: added, use quilt for patches.
* debian/copyright: update and clarify copyright, migrate to DEP-5 format.
* debian/patches/add_copying_lgpl_license.patch: add COPYING.LGPL.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Dec 2012 16:16:49 -0500
This bug was fixed in the package evolution-indicator - 0.2.20-0ubuntu9
evolution-indicator (0.2.20-0ubuntu9) raring; urgency=low
* debian/ patches/ evolution- indicator- eds3.6_ v2.patch: port to EDS 3.6 and port menu-dev to Build-Depends. source/ format: switch to source format 3.0 (quilt) patches/ series: added, use quilt for patches. patches/ add_copying_ lgpl_license. patch: add COPYING.LGPL.
to use libmessaging-menu. (LP: #1051882)
* debian/control:
- add libmessaging-
- switch to debhelper 9.
- remove Build-Depends on cdbs.
* debian/compat: bump compat level to 9.
* debian/rules:
- migrate to dh sequencer.
* debian/
* debian/
* debian/copyright: update and clarify copyright, migrate to DEP-5 format.
* debian/
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Dec 2012 16:16:49 -0500