When user data is passed to an instance started with {{{euca-run-instances}}} (using either the {{{-d}}}, {{{--user-data}}} option or the {{{-f}}}, {{{--user-data-file}}} option), the data returned at {{{}}} will be base64-encoded. {{{ec2-init}}} is unable make use of this user data because it must be decoded before use. A fix for this issue is expected to be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (Bug:461156)
Documented at <https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/KarmicKoala /ReleaseNotes# UEC%20user- data%20not% 20usable% 20by%20guest% 20instances>:
When user data is passed to an instance started with {{{euca- run-instances} }} (using either the {{{-d}}}, {{{--user-data}}} option or the {{{-f}}}, {{{--user- data-file} }} option), the data returned at {{{http:// 169.254. 169.254/ latest/ user-data}}} will be base64-encoded. {{{ec2-init}}} is unable make use of this user data because it must be decoded before use. A fix for this issue is expected to be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (Bug:461156)