To use MBROLA voices you have to install:
1. MBROLA synthesizer:
sudo apt-get install mbrola
2. MBROLA voices (i.e. voice database files) e.g.:
sudo apt-get install mbrola-de4
Note, that not all MBROLA voices, which are configured in eSpeak NG, can be installed as standard packages. More MBROLA voices can be downloaded from here:
Files located in .../espeak-ng-data/voices/mb are actually mapping files between eSpeak NG phoneme names (phonemes) and phonemes used in MBROLA voice databases. As described here:
To use MBROLA voices you have to install:
1. MBROLA synthesizer:
sudo apt-get install mbrola
2. MBROLA voices (i.e. voice database files) e.g.:
sudo apt-get install mbrola-de4
Note, that not all MBROLA voices, which are configured in eSpeak NG, can be installed as standard packages. More MBROLA voices can be downloaded from here: /github. com/numediart/ MBROLA- voices/
Files located in .../espeak- ng-data/ voices/ mb are actually mapping files between eSpeak NG phoneme names (phonemes) and phonemes used in MBROLA voice databases. As described here: https:/ /github. com/espeak- ng/espeak- ng/blob/ master/ docs/mbrola. md