* New maintainer. (Closes: #744738)
* New upstream release.
(LP: #119591, #479039, #502391, #519075, #633286, #1806727)
* debian/control:
- Added qttools5-dev-tools to Build-Depends field in source stanza to
enable the build of translation files.
- Added Rules-Requires-Root field to source stanza.
- Bumped DH level to 13.
- Bumped Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
- Removed docbook2x and docbook-xml from Build-Depends field, in source
stanza, not needed anymore since we're using a different method to
generate the manpage.
- Reorganized long description in package stanzas.
* debian/copyright: updated all data.
* debian/eqonomize.docs: included README.md and TODO since there's useful
information to users.
* debian/eqonomize.manpages: updated.
* debian/manpages/:
- create-man.sh: created to make the manpage from the .txt source file.
- eqonomize.txt: created to provide the source to the manpage.
- eqonomize.xml: removed. Using .txt as the manpage source now.
* debian/patches/:
- Patch renamed to follow a new numeric prefix system.
- 020-add-desktop-entry-keywords.patch: added.
- 030-enable-pt-br-translation.patch: added to enable the build of the
pt_BR translation file.
* debian/source/lintian-overrides: added to inform the manpage created was
forwarded to upstream.
* debian/rules:
- Added override_dh_auto_configure and override_dh_auto_clean to enable
the building of translation files.
- Removed unnecessary DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND flags.
- Removed unnecessary override_dh_auto_build, using different method to
generate the manpage now.
- Removed unnecessary override_dh_clean.
* debian/salsa-ci.yml: added to provide CI tests for Salsa.
* debian/tests/control: created to perform a trivial CI test.
* debian/upstream/:
- io.github.eqonomize.metainfo.xml: created to make available an
AppStream metadata. Consequently:
~ debian/copyright: added a licensing for new file.
~ debian/eqonomize.install: included the new file to install on /usr/share/metainfo.
- metadata: created.
-- Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich <email address hidden> Fri, 17 Jul 2020 14:00:24 -0300
This bug was fixed in the package eqonomize - 1.4.3-1
eqonomize (1.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New maintainer. (Closes: #744738) eqonomize. docs: included README.md and TODO since there's useful eqonomize. manpages: updated. desktop- entry-keywords. patch: added. pt-br-translati on.patch: added to enable the build of the source/ lintian- overrides: added to inform the manpage created was dh_auto_ configure and override_ dh_auto_ clean to enable MAINT_APPEND flags. dh_auto_ build, using different method to salsa-ci. yml: added to provide CI tests for Salsa. tests/control: created to perform a trivial CI test. eqonomize. metainfo. xml: created to make available an eqonomize. install: included the new file to install on
/ usr/share/ metainfo.
* New upstream release.
(LP: #119591, #479039, #502391, #519075, #633286, #1806727)
* debian/control:
- Added qttools5-dev-tools to Build-Depends field in source stanza to
enable the build of translation files.
- Added Rules-Requires-Root field to source stanza.
- Bumped DH level to 13.
- Bumped Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
- Removed docbook2x and docbook-xml from Build-Depends field, in source
stanza, not needed anymore since we're using a different method to
generate the manpage.
- Reorganized long description in package stanzas.
* debian/copyright: updated all data.
* debian/
information to users.
* debian/
* debian/manpages/:
- create-man.sh: created to make the manpage from the .txt source file.
- eqonomize.txt: created to provide the source to the manpage.
- eqonomize.xml: removed. Using .txt as the manpage source now.
* debian/patches/:
- Patch renamed to follow a new numeric prefix system.
- 020-add-
- 030-enable-
pt_BR translation file.
* debian/
forwarded to upstream.
* debian/rules:
- Added override_
the building of translation files.
- Removed unnecessary DEB_LDFLAGS_
- Removed unnecessary override_
generate the manpage now.
- Removed unnecessary override_dh_clean.
* debian/
* debian/
* debian/upstream/:
- io.github.
AppStream metadata. Consequently:
~ debian/copyright: added a licensing for new file.
~ debian/
- metadata: created.
-- Fabio Augusto De Muzio Tobich <email address hidden> Fri, 17 Jul 2020 14:00:24 -0300