Was bitten by this too - or something very similar at least.
If I start emacs-snapshot -Q, then M-x customize-face, default, set font-family to unknown-inconsolata, it would work as long as I don't complete anything.
But completing anything would trigger it: e.g., C-x C-f, hit TAB after the "~/".
Leads to a different signal though - segmentation fault (11).
Note that xfontsel thinks that inconsolata has "spc" equal to "p" for proportional. That seems strange. The full XLFDs are:
Was bitten by this too - or something very similar at least.
If I start emacs-snapshot -Q, then M-x customize-face, default, set font-family to unknown- inconsolata, it would work as long as I don't complete anything.
But completing anything would trigger it: e.g., C-x C-f, hit TAB after the "~/".
Leads to a different signal though - segmentation fault (11).
Note that xfontsel thinks that inconsolata has "spc" equal to "p" for proportional. That seems strange. The full XLFDs are: inconsolata- medium- r-normal- -17-120- 100-100- p-0-iso8859- 1 inconsolata- medium- r-normal- -17-120- 100-100- p-0-iso8859- 15 inconsolata- medium- r-normal- -17-120- 100-100- p-0-iso10646- 1