Confirming that the bug still exists in Lubuntu 13.10, as far as the nm-signal*secure.svg files are concerned for the default Lubuntu theme.
Workaround as above (#18); note that the default theme seems/is 'Lubuntu', so use that theme as basis:
sudo cp -a lubuntu <new theme directory> cd <new theme directory> sudo vi index.theme sudo cp ../Humanity-Dark/status/22/nm-device-wired-secure.svg panel/22/
Lastly, choose the modified theme in Preferences -> Customize Look and Feel.
Confirming that the bug still exists in Lubuntu 13.10, as far as the nm-signal* secure. svg files are concerned for the default Lubuntu theme.
Workaround as above (#18); note that the default theme seems/is 'Lubuntu', so use that theme as basis:
sudo cp -a lubuntu <new theme directory> Dark/status/ 22/nm-device- wired-secure. svg panel/22/
cd <new theme directory>
sudo vi index.theme
sudo cp ../Humanity-
Lastly, choose the modified theme in Preferences -> Customize Look and Feel.