Comment 19 for bug 451432

Revision history for this message
Scott James Remnant (Canonical) (canonical-scott) wrote : Re: [Bug 451432] Re: cifs share not mounting on boot when using \\host\share syntax in fstab

On Sun, 2009-10-18 at 21:04 +0000, Steve Langasek wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 07:37:38PM -0000, Zer0 wrote:
> > //host/share did the trick. Is this still a bug or should be reported
> > the way it should be from now on?
> It's still a bug; mountall shouldn't mangle any fstab lines that worked with
> pre-mountall scripts.
mountall doesn't mangle fstab at all, in fact it doesn't parse it! The
fstab parsing is entirely inside glibc, and is the same code that mount
uses [getmntent()].

Is it possible that glibc has changed? (It wouldn't be the only
backwards incompatible change introduced this cycle </bitter>)

The getmntent() manpage says that a \134 must be used to represent a
backslash, so \\host\share should be \134\134host\134share ?

Scott James Remnant
<email address hidden>