[ Steve Langasek ]
* Restore missing depends/conflicts/replaces handling for findutils and
belocs-locales-bin, lost in the latest merge.
* Move ldconfig trigger handling to libc-bin postinst, since that's where
ldconfig and the trigger are actually located.
* Drop debian/local/etc_init.d from the source, which is no longer shipped
in the package having been dropped in Debian
* debian/rules.d/debhelper.mk: revert breakage from Debian experimental;
pulling in file substitutions from script.in has to happen before
substituting other tokens, since script.in/nohwcap.sh contains other
tokens that have to be replaced. LP: #427288.
This bug was fixed in the package eglibc - 2.10.1-0ubuntu12
eglibc (2.10.1-0ubuntu12) karmic; urgency=low
[ Steve Langasek ] conflicts/ replaces handling for findutils and locales- bin, lost in the latest merge. local/etc_ init.d from the source, which is no longer shipped rules.d/ debhelper. mk: revert breakage from Debian experimental; in/nohwcap. sh contains other
* Restore missing depends/
* Move ldconfig trigger handling to libc-bin postinst, since that's where
ldconfig and the trigger are actually located.
* Drop debian/
in the package having been dropped in Debian
* debian/
pulling in file substitutions from script.in has to happen before
substituting other tokens, since script.
tokens that have to be replaced. LP: #427288.
[ Matthias Klose ] local-linuxthre ads-kill_ other.diff.
* Don't apply hppa patches, don't apply
-- Steve Langasek <email address hidden> Mon, 14 Sep 2009 16:16:10 -0700