Looking at eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.team.cvs.core/src/org/eclipse/team/internal/ccvs/core/client/Command.java (in the source package) heavily suggests that it indeed uses the command-line CVS. Particularly have a look at the method:
private String constructCommandInvocationString(IPath commandRootPath, GlobalOption[] globalOptions, LocalOption[] localOptions, String[] arguments);
Looking at eclipse/ plugins/ org.eclipse. team.cvs. core/src/ org/eclipse/ team/internal/ ccvs/core/ client/ Command. java (in the source package) heavily suggests that it indeed uses the command-line CVS. Particularly have a look at the method:
private String constructComman dInvocationStri ng(IPath commandRootPath, GlobalOption[] globalOptions, LocalOption[] localOptions, String[] arguments);