Every X times (usually 30 times) you boot up ubuntu from a hard drive, that hard drive will be checked for errors (fcheck). This is of course perfectly fine!
This also occurs on laptops running on bateries. I was wondering if it is possible to detect whether a laltop is running on batteries that early in the boor process. If that is possible if the hdd checkcan be done the first time the computer boots while not being at battery power after the X^th time that the computer has booted at all (I hope this made it a bit clear).
Every X times (usually 30 times) you boot up ubuntu from a hard drive, that hard drive will be checked for errors (fcheck). This is of course perfectly fine!
This also occurs on laptops running on bateries. I was wondering if it is possible to detect whether a laltop is running on batteries that early in the boor process. If that is possible if the hdd checkcan be done the first time the computer boots while not being at battery power after the X^th time that the computer has booted at all (I hope this made it a bit clear).