I'm using one of the built-in menu templates in dvd styler. I haven't used any of my own images for the buttons. There is only one image button that I'm currently using but it is a svg arrow image included in the dvd styler software. I've rotated it 180 degrees and changed the color for highlighting and selecting. I initially had a few buttons that used the color red in their highlighting but I've removed that color and now use a total of 4 colors (white, gold, and 2 shades of blue) for borders, highlighting and selecting on all of the buttons.
After I removed the red color I no longer receive the spumux error and I'm able to use the original source code. Unfortunately after the dvd creation is completed the menus do not display the borders around the single-frame buttons or the arrow buttons until you hover over them. And even then some of the borders are either the wrong color or are multi-colored. I've included a few screenshots of this effect in the attached zip file.
The attached zip file contains examples of 2 of my menus as well as screenshots of the properties window for each button type. The "single-frame-button" image represents the grid of box shaped buttons that display a single frame from a video clip. I've also included the svg arrow image used in dvd styler.
Is this a dvdauthor/spumux bug or a dvdstyler bug?
I'm using one of the built-in menu templates in dvd styler. I haven't used any of my own images for the buttons. There is only one image button that I'm currently using but it is a svg arrow image included in the dvd styler software. I've rotated it 180 degrees and changed the color for highlighting and selecting. I initially had a few buttons that used the color red in their highlighting but I've removed that color and now use a total of 4 colors (white, gold, and 2 shades of blue) for borders, highlighting and selecting on all of the buttons.
After I removed the red color I no longer receive the spumux error and I'm able to use the original source code. Unfortunately after the dvd creation is completed the menus do not display the borders around the single-frame buttons or the arrow buttons until you hover over them. And even then some of the borders are either the wrong color or are multi-colored. I've included a few screenshots of this effect in the attached zip file.
The attached zip file contains examples of 2 of my menus as well as screenshots of the properties window for each button type. The "single- frame-button" image represents the grid of box shaped buttons that display a single frame from a video clip. I've also included the svg arrow image used in dvd styler.
Is this a dvdauthor/spumux bug or a dvdstyler bug?