Comment 9 for bug 727211

Revision history for this message
rew (r-e-wolff) wrote :


Today I

* used debootstrap to create a jaunty chroot environment on my jaunty machine.
* used do_release_upgrade to upgrade to karmic
* used do_release_upgrade to upgrade to lucid
* used do_release_upgrade to upgrade to maverick
* used do_release_upgrade to upgrade to natty

and encountered this problem.

If the fix was "released" on 25th of march, I would expect it to be included in Natty that is referenced by this upgrade path.

The do-release-upgrade failed and the workaround mentioned in one of the duplicate bugs:

  dpkg-divert --local --rename --divert /sbin/udevadm.upgrade --remove /sbin/udevadm

seems to work, as apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade seems to have finished...