Okay, I added a whole pile of debugging statments into it, and kept running it as root - it is picking up the parameter configure, but the files aren't updating. So next I tried executing a direct command from the postinst file, to explicitly update the i386 file (as root): update-alternatives --force --install /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i386-linux-gnu_GL.conf i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf /usr/lib/nvidia-313-updates/alt_ld.so.conf 9702
The result was /etc/ld.so.conf.d/i386-linux-gnu_GL.conf updated. So, now I'm scratching my head - why does it work from a command line but it will not work from inside the script (it was a cut and paste with one minor change (so it would execute as root). Well, I'm confused enough and think it's time I hit the sack.
Okay, I added a whole pile of debugging statments into it, and kept running it as root - it is picking up the parameter configure, but the files aren't updating. So next I tried executing a direct command from the postinst file, to explicitly update the i386 file (as root): update-alternatives --force --install /etc/ld. so.conf. d/i386- linux-gnu_ GL.conf i386-linux- gnu_gl_ conf /usr/lib/ nvidia- 313-updates/ alt_ld. so.conf 9702
The result was /etc/ld. so.conf. d/i386- linux-gnu_ GL.conf updated. So, now I'm scratching my head - why does it work from a command line but it will not work from inside the script (it was a cut and paste with one minor change (so it would execute as root). Well, I'm confused enough and think it's time I hit the sack.