> Commenting the protocols option would break the situation where dovecot-
> imap is not installed.
OK. Same happens with protocols = none. Ideal situation would be to
start services which are installed. Can we change dovecot.conf during
install of imapd|pop3d? This is already in imapd|pop3d.postinst:
Mathias Gug wrote:
> Commenting the protocols option would break the situation where dovecot-
> imap is not installed.
OK. Same happens with protocols = none. Ideal situation would be to postinst:
start services which are installed. Can we change dovecot.conf during
install of imapd|pop3d? This is already in imapd|pop3d.
#perl -pi.bak -e 'if (/^\s*protocols =/i) { s/$/ imap imaps/ unless dovecot. conf
/imap/; };'\
# /etc/dovecot/
Is this what
http:// bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 204213
is talking about?