I've seen a problem like this before when logging into captive portals.
I could be wrong here but I think this is what the problem is:
* user logs in once to captive portal, everything works fine
* that included dns redirect from the server to captive portal
* login
* subsequent stuff working fine
* Then, the user suspends and attempts to re-connect.
* They try to go to some web location in firefox (or browser) which does a dns lookup, which *would* be redirected to the captive portal login. However, this time, resolvconf/dnsmasq has the right result cached and serves it. So instead of going to the captive portal login, the user can't do anything.
There may be one other step involved in this, possibly due to a redirect, but I think the issue is caching by dnsmasq.
I've seen a problem like this before when logging into captive portals.
I could be wrong here but I think this is what the problem is:
* user logs in once to captive portal, everything works fine
* that included dns redirect from the server to captive portal
* login
* subsequent stuff working fine
* Then, the user suspends and attempts to re-connect.
* They try to go to some web location in firefox (or browser) which does a dns lookup, which *would* be redirected to the captive portal login. However, this time, resolvconf/dnsmasq has the right result cached and serves it. So instead of going to the captive portal login, the user can't do anything.
There may be one other step involved in this, possibly due to a redirect, but I think the issue is caching by dnsmasq.