I have openvswitch-switch, which did required from me to apply some changes to systemd service file that seems not to be aware of virtual devices up.
So, bottom line, /etc/network/interface files are taking action in a way that smashes the rush to boot up, so dnsmasq also become a victim, and for me the solution above was not compatible.
So I had to add to dnsmasq.service the follow lines:
I have openvswitch-switch, which did required from me to apply some changes to systemd service file that seems not to be aware of virtual devices up.
So, bottom line, /etc/network/ interface files are taking action in a way that smashes the rush to boot up, so dnsmasq also become a victim, and for me the solution above was not compatible.
So I had to add to dnsmasq.service the follow lines:
Requires= sys-subsystem- net-devices- <needed device>.device sys-subsystem- net-devices- <needed device>.device sys-subsystem- net-devices- <needed device>.device
Got the above info from
systemctl --full | grep subsystem
Best regards!