>there's still the unresolved question
> of whether re-enabling --strict-order
> will suffice as a workaround, since
> 12.10 relies on DBus to populate the
> nameservers. Is there any extra
> information on this?
Please try it and report back. :-)
(Put "strict-order" in a file in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/; stop network-manager; make sure all dnsmasq processes are dead; start network-manager.)
>there's still the unresolved question
> of whether re-enabling --strict-order
> will suffice as a workaround, since
> 12.10 relies on DBus to populate the
> nameservers. Is there any extra
> information on this?
Please try it and report back. :-)
(Put "strict-order" in a file in /etc/NetworkMan ager/dnsmasq. d/; stop network-manager; make sure all dnsmasq processes are dead; start network-manager.)