I'm working on a update to software-properties in 16.04 to support the Ubuntu Pro tab. This work has already been released to >=18.04 (e.g. check Pro commits to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+ref/ubuntu/bionic), but Xenial didn't receive a backport. Could you please procure that?
I'm working on a update to software-properties in 16.04 to support the Ubuntu Pro tab. This work has already been released to >=18.04 (e.g. check Pro commits to https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~ubuntu- core-dev/ software- properties/ +git/software- properties/ +ref/ubuntu/ bionic), but Xenial didn't receive a backport. Could you please procure that?