> can anybody give us an update on this bug? +1!
I'm building Debian source packages from Perl modules with dh-make-perl, which relies on apt-file for dependencies checking. However,
apt-file update says:
Ignoring source without Contents File: http://ppa.launchpad.net/suntong001/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/Contents-amd64.gz
I.e., dh-make-perl dependencies checking for my Perl modules will *always fail*, even I have the dependencies modules in my PPA.
> can anybody give us an update on this bug?
I'm building Debian source packages from Perl modules with dh-make-perl, which relies on apt-file for dependencies checking. However,
apt-file update says:
Ignoring source without Contents File: ppa.launchpad. net/suntong001/ ppa/ubuntu/ dists/saucy/ Contents- amd64.gz
I.e., dh-make-perl dependencies checking for my Perl modules will *always fail*, even I have the dependencies modules in my PPA.