I think I just saw this problem when I installed gutsy from the alternate cd.
I have an existing RAID5 array on /dev/hd[cegi] and /dev/[cbef] which is /dev/md2, and installed to /dev/sd[ab]1, with swap on /dev/sd[ab]5.
The installation went pretty much as expected (considering I had a previous FC6 RAID1 installation on there), but the reboot failed.
To make it work, I had to edit boot from hd(4,0) to hd(0,0).
That this works has me confused since the /boot/grub/device.map has /dev/sdb as hd(4,0), so hd(4,0) is the correct device and should work.
I think I just saw this problem when I installed gutsy from the alternate cd.
I have an existing RAID5 array on /dev/hd[cegi] and /dev/[cbef] which is /dev/md2, and installed to /dev/sd[ab]1, with swap on /dev/sd[ab]5.
The installation went pretty much as expected (considering I had a previous FC6 RAID1 installation on there), but the reboot failed.
To make it work, I had to edit boot from hd(4,0) to hd(0,0).
That this works has me confused since the /boot/grub/ device. map has /dev/sdb as hd(4,0), so hd(4,0) is the correct device and should work.