13:47 <xnox> rbasak, the description sounds valid. i believe i have hit something similar before, thus yeah a fix to debhelper for this class of issues would be most welcomed.
13:47 <rbasak> xnox: thanks. debhelper, or invoke-rc.d?
13:48 <xnox> rbasak, my understanding was that maintainer scripts that are generated, do attempt to check if a thing was "enabled and active" before the upgrade; and post upgrade. But maybe they only do so for systemd native units, and not for init.d->systemd units.
Based on https:/ /irclogs. ubuntu. com/2018/ 04/13/% 23ubuntu- devel.html# t11:56, this sounds valid for either init-system-helpers or debhelper.
13:47 <xnox> rbasak, the description sounds valid. i believe i have hit something similar before, thus yeah a fix to debhelper for this class of issues would be most welcomed.
13:47 <rbasak> xnox: thanks. debhelper, or invoke-rc.d?
13:48 <xnox> rbasak, my understanding was that maintainer scripts that are generated, do attempt to check if a thing was "enabled and active" before the upgrade; and post upgrade. But maybe they only do so for systemd native units, and not for init.d->systemd units.