Not related to the bug at hand directly, but applying the signals5.patch on top of Qt 5.5.1 caused a crash to always happen on Unity8 startup:
So my suggestion is to ship whatever needed for 5.4 quickly but have the longer term goal of shipping connectivity-api bearer so that the 5.5/xenial will wait for that (unless someone wants to look at the 5.5 specific problem with this current patch).
Not related to the bug at hand directly, but applying the signals5.patch on top of Qt 5.5.1 caused a crash to always happen on Unity8 startup: unity8: 11:/usr/ lib/arm- linux-gnueabihf /qt5/plugins/ bearer/ libqnmbearer. so+7c7c: /usr/lib/ arm-linux- gnueabihf/ libQt5Core. so.5.5. 1+1e4f5a: [stack. .3416]+ 7fd8b8
So my suggestion is to ship whatever needed for 5.4 quickly but have the longer term goal of shipping connectivity-api bearer so that the 5.5/xenial will wait for that (unless someone wants to look at the 5.5 specific problem with this current patch).