* Resurrect "Set the default path to comply with Debian policy" in
deb-bash-config.diff which went missing since 4.2+dfsg-1 or so.
LP: #1792004 LP: #1614080 Closes: #781367
* Add autopkgtest for the built-in path.
-- Dimitri John Ledkov <email address hidden> Fri, 03 May 2019 14:31:24 +0100
This bug was fixed in the package bash - 5.0-3ubuntu1.1
bash (5.0-3ubuntu1.1) disco; urgency=medium
* Resurrect "Set the default path to comply with Debian policy" in bash-config. diff which went missing since 4.2+dfsg-1 or so.
LP: #1792004 LP: #1614080 Closes: #781367
* Add autopkgtest for the built-in path.
-- Dimitri John Ledkov <email address hidden> Fri, 03 May 2019 14:31:24 +0100