Comment 0 for bug 1905412

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

I was puzzled today at my install aborting until I was lookgin in the crash file.
There I've found:
 Running command ['vgcreate', '--force', '--zero=y', '--yes', 'ubuntu-vg', '/dev/dasda2'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True)
 An error occured handling 'lvm_volgroup-0': ProcessExecutionError - Unexpected error while running command.
 Command: ['vgcreate', '--force', '--zero=y', '--yes', 'ubuntu-vg', '/dev/dasda2']
 Exit code: 5
 Reason: -
 Stdout: ''
 Stderr: A volume group called ubuntu-vg already exists.

And now things fall into place.

I've had a default vg as the installer creates it across a few disks.
Then later my main root disk was broken and I replaced it.

Now at install time I have activated all disks that I eventually wanted to use (this is s390x therefore activate disks, but from the bit I see in the crash I'd expect no other behavior if on e.g. x86 you'd replace one disk and try to re-install).

What happens is that the disks I'm not installing onto still have LVM metadata.
That has the "ubuntu-vg" defined and thereby crashes the install.

I think we will need to harden the installer that probably needs to wipe some signatures and re-probe LVM to then get things going.