Ok, I think I got something. It's working in bionic, and in eoan I got:
root@nsnx:~# /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb smb:// 34 root "Test Page" 1 "job-uuid=urn:uuid:efa8b6df-0724-3252-4657-11e6ac474646 job-originating-host-name=localhost date-time-at-creation= date-time-at-processing= time-at-creation=1574951400 time-at-processing=1574952123" .bashrc kerberos_ccache_is_valid: Failed to get default principal from ccache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 DEBUG: This backend requires credentials! DEBUG: get_exit_code(nt_status=NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED [c0000022]) ATTR: auth-info-required=none DEBUG: Unable to connect to CIFS host: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIEDroot@nsnx:~#
That's something I can work with.
Ok, I think I got something. It's working in bionic, and in eoan I got:
root@nsnx:~# /usr/lib/ cups/backend/ smb smb://10. 10.1.6/ ds216laser 34 root "Test Page" 1 "job-uuid= urn:uuid: efa8b6df- 0724-3252- 4657-11e6ac4746 46 job-originating -host-name= localhost date-time- at-creation= date-time- at-processing= time-at- creation= 1574951400 time-at- processing= 1574952123" .bashrc ccache_ is_valid: Failed to get default principal from ccache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 code(nt_ status= NT_STATUS_ ACCESS_ DENIED [c0000022]) required= none ACCESS_ DENIEDroot@ nsnx:~#
DEBUG: This backend requires credentials!
DEBUG: get_exit_
ATTR: auth-info-
DEBUG: Unable to connect to CIFS host: NT_STATUS_
That's something I can work with.