Comment 25 for bug 1920190

Revision history for this message
Pratyush Ranjan (pratyushranjan) wrote :


There has been a recent pull request about this issue :-

I believe this would solve the issue of monotonous increase of ram usage. Please try this and let me know.

I also checked the error_log attached by you closely.
So your print queue involves these filters:-
pdftopdf - gziptoany - pdftoraster - rastertopwg

The problem was indeed with pdftoraster. It was using too much ram and time. I think the RAM issue would be sorted out by now and I am now looking into the time issue.

For this command :-
/usr/bin/time -v /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftoraster 99 manu sometitle 1 'PageSize=A4 output-format=apple-raster Resolution=600dpi' testdoc/testpdf > pdftorast.out

The system time ranged from 5-17 seconds for test12.pdf to test48.pdf as memory_use.txt indicates. But in your error_log I can see that pdftoraster took 2 minutes to process test12.pdf. Also I checked pdftoraster processing using the same command and it took 2 minutes for test12.pdf in my case too.

So when you are sending a print queue to your printer, if I talk specifically about test12.pdf, pdftoraster is taking more than 2 minutes to process in your case. And this time-taken increases with the number of pages your document has.

Please try to test the above PR and see if it solves the ram usage issue and meanwhile I am looking into why pdftoraster is taking more than its runtime if that is the case.