I can't reproduce this issue on my system unless I forcibly remove the device (or suspend as commented by komputes), on the other hand, it happens as well in nautilus, which leads me to believe the issue lies in udisks rather than cryptsetup or elsewhere.
I can also see that udisks doesn't seem (to me at least) to do things right, searching through all devices' properties to look for the one that has the removed device as slave, when these properties have already been updated and removed.
Since I was able to write a patch that seems to me like it's fixing the issue for both use cases (nautilus/palimpsest and suspend), I'm adding a task for udisks (and I pushed the patch upstream for review).
I can't reproduce this issue on my system unless I forcibly remove the device (or suspend as commented by komputes), on the other hand, it happens as well in nautilus, which leads me to believe the issue lies in udisks rather than cryptsetup or elsewhere.
I can also see that udisks doesn't seem (to me at least) to do things right, searching through all devices' properties to look for the one that has the removed device as slave, when these properties have already been updated and removed.
Since I was able to write a patch that seems to me like it's fixing the issue for both use cases (nautilus/ palimpsest and suspend), I'm adding a task for udisks (and I pushed the patch upstream for review).