Comment 14 for bug 1153661

Revision history for this message
RavanH (ravanhagen) wrote :

On 14.04 I tried all suggested solutions: Puny Geeks step-by-step (see, then again but using /dev/sda8 (swap partition in my case) instead of UUID, then the approach with noauto parameter in fstab and the 5 second delay in rc.local (both see but none worked cross reboots.

One thing I find striking is that now:

~$ sudo swapoff -a
~$ sudo swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1
swapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: lezen van kop van wisselgeheugen is mislukt: Ongeldig argument

... which means something like "reading of swap header failed: Invalid argument"...

And it turns out after all this I cannot even reformat or recreate the swap partition in gparted. I get some kind of warning about being unable to inform the kernel of the changes made...

Starting to regret my choice to encrypt the home partition during install :(