Seems like the problem is that you are using a port below 1024 for coturn.
As these ports need coturn to be started as root or as an alternative you can modify the file /lib/systemd/system/coturn.service and include AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE in the [Service] section. Afterwards the coturn server should be working again.
Seems like the problem is that you are using a port below 1024 for coturn.
As these ports need coturn to be started as root or as an alternative you can modify the file /lib/systemd/ system/ coturn. service and include AmbientCapabili ties=CAP_ NET_BIND_ SERVICE in the [Service] section. Afterwards the coturn server should be working again.
Source: https:/ /bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/bugreport. cgi?bug= 964009# 5