I'd like to point out that the output of md5sum may not necessarily be /quite/ as easy to parse as you suspect: check the output of md5sum when the filename itself includes a backslash or newline (it will begin the line with a backslash). This is by design (broken, IMO, but too established now to change).
It appears that a patch for this behavior has been submitted to a branch, and awaits further testing. My guess would be that it will be present in the next release.
I'd like to point out that the output of md5sum may not necessarily be /quite/ as easy to parse as you suspect: check the output of md5sum when the filename itself includes a backslash or newline (it will begin the line with a backslash). This is by design (broken, IMO, but too established now to change).
There has been some recent discussion on this topic on the coreutils mailing list: lists.gnu. org/archive/ html/bug- coreutils/ 2007-03/ msg00181. html
It appears that a patch for this behavior has been submitted to a branch, and awaits further testing. My guess would be that it will be present in the next release.